The initial implementation does require the recipient to register within FILR to get the Attachment.

The eMail the recipient get's with the HTM Attachment is very confusing, also all the additional eMails the recipient gets from FILR System. This ends in total lost of mails and attachments.
If the User does have the right to send a public Link with FILR System, then the user basically does exact the same, but within the Groupwise Client.
This makes it easy for the sender and recipient.


  • It is a must. Good idea!

  • Without this possibility the system makes no sense. Everything too complicated and useless.
    It is absolutely necessary to implement quickly otherwise the integration of the filr-product will not be used

  • Yes, I was excited to read about the Filr integration in GroupWise... only to try it out and discover it's almost completely useless as implemented. I wanted to force all attachments greater than 10mb into Filr, expecting the recipient would simply get a Filr link in the email... many companies handle attachments this way. No... they get an odd looking link, which opens a web page with another odd looking link, and they get a second email, which is strangely worded, telling them they have to register a Filr account... then once they do that, every time they get an attachment they have to remember their login info and login to Filr.

    Don't you have any notion of how MASSIVELY EMBARRASSING it would be for us to use this feature as implemented?

    That all said, I think having the OPTION of sending a external-user share of a Filr file from within GroupWise is very good. Users could have contacts with whom they communicate somewhat sensitive documents, and having the document itself floating around in email-space to be mishandled could be undesirable; having that recipeitn user login with credentials in order to get the document would add extra security - if someone else gets access to the email, they wouldn't be able to access the document.

  • a must have. Filr integration is useless without this feature

  • Most Customer, want use this with public link, like the filr offer. This kind of work with public link, will be the same, if user send file as attachment. Most recipient didn't understand, the login (create account) into the filr.
    If Integration not work like this, user will be use dropbox.

  • I always thought that the first enterprise able to offer this feature - sending big files through the internet - would own a gamechanging tool! "Everybody" wants this feature!

    If one has the permission to send 10 eMails within the limitted size of e.g. 10 MB each, why shouldn't he/she be allowed to send one link for permitting the download of 100 MB at once without the need to authenticate? Where is the difference?

    So this is - of course - a killer-feature.

    There is absolutely no reason to disallow responsable people for this part of the security of the enterprise-communication to build their own link-sending policy at user level. With this you can reach which security-level you ever need!

    Wwithout public links created and sended by filr, users will continues to use Dropbox or similar cloud "solutions" instead, making everything even less secure then any solution possible with filr!

  • i agree whis Andresa K.

  • Couldnt agree more. Its too annoying for the destination user to follow all the steps necessary to get the files. Its easier zip the file, create the public link and attach on the email.

  • It is very helpfull, to have this feature.

  • This is a must! Maybe control over default settings within Client / Admin console.

  • Sending the Filr Public Link will be supported with the GroupWise 18 release due before the end of 2017.

  • Great to hear. Groupwise/Filr integration will finally be worth using (not that the existing integration had no use cases, but the Public Link will drastically expand the usefulness).

  • This is available in the GroupWise 18 release set to ship the week of December 11th.