The subject of the Monitor alerts is rather minimalist.
Looking at a list of them, I can't tell which are for which issue as the only distinction often is the object (PO, Domain, GWIA) affected, not much as to what is happening.
example Domain: unspecified Threshold exceeded
When looking closely at our mobile devices, that really isn't useful, nor is it sorting them out later to see the patterns are for the different issues that have been happening
The Idea is to include just a little bit more of what Threshold is being exceeding such as
PO: poaAvailDiskSpace < 2000 Threshold exceeded
Domain: mtaTenMinuteUndeliverableMsgs > 10 exceeded
This way in the middle of dealing with an issue, such as badgering some users to cleanup (or adding space to the array) we can quickly see that the issue has gotten worse if the "poaAvailDiskSpace < 1000 Threshold exceeded" arrives or if some other issue is popping up that needs our focus.
Should be an easy change to set the Subject to the pattern of:
<Object name>: <THRESHOLD var> exceeded
It would make sysadmin's management of our GroupWise systems more effective from such a small change.
by: Andy K. | over a year ago | Administration