At the moment all auto update features of GroupWise are based on the need to be administrator on the client computer. In bigger environments the normal enduser has no administrator right so the user can't use the auto update feature. It would be an enhancement if the update no longer would need administrator right. Perhaps an approach could be to use a maintenance service service like browsers do it.
PS.: I know that I could roll out the GroupWise client also via a software distribution system. But as we all know the client is the first thing a user starts when day begins and the last the user closes when day ends. So a software distribution system would has not really a chance to update the client when it's closed or must close it by force.
by: Uwe B. | over a year ago | Windows Client
Many years ago, Tommy Mikkelsen created an "EasyInstall" utility to do this. It use to be downloadable from the Open Horizons web site.