Our GAL is big, 40k+ users. There are pleny of users with the same name and department. The organizational hierarchy has 3 levels: company, headoffice, department. These infos are in the Address Book. GroupWise supports only the company and the department attributes, so the headoffice is stored in an AdminDefined field. When a user writes an email and types the recipient's name, the bubble info of the auto name completion displays only company and department, which is not enough to identify the right user. Our users would like to see all 3 leves of the company hierarchy in the bubble info, including the headoffice attribute. Of course users can go to the address book and search for the right users, but the bubble info is there to save this overhead.
Of course this customization should be under the client settings in the Admin Console, so the Admin can set this for every mailbox.
by: Gellért H. | over a year ago | Windows Client