The new color schemes and icons used in GW2014 are in the opinion of me and my colleagues quite annoying to work with. There's no contrast. We'd like the option to create our own themes to adjust color schemes, replace folder icons etc.
This should give the users much more freedom in customizing the interface so they can work with it. Especially for colorblind people the current color schemes are not great.
by: Jasper v. | over a year ago | Windows Client
We have a similar need for users with visual disabilities. Once you have tweaked Windows to work with the visually impaired, GW fonts and text boxes do not follow suit and the GW interface becomes very difficult to read.
Below is from one of my users who is not a fan of the option slide out abilities:
If GroupWise support or anyone asks about the new version, I've got some opinions about it.
It's almost like they went "cheap" on the colors and formatting. You can't hardly make out the red envelopes for urgent emails so they are hard to pick out when scanning the list of emails. The color does not stand out. If there is a setting to change any of the default appearance, I cannot find it.
I don't really care for the layout of the From/To/etc on the email windows. The two columns worked easier, especially when tabbing from field to field.
And when you copy something and paste into an email, especially if it's from another email, it never keeps the extra space after periods in sentences (a problem we had before) and I'm pretty sure it didn't keep the line spacing (extra returns) in something I pasted (if so, it's not every time). I can't remember if an update fixed the spacing issue when pasting or if there is a setting that fixes that. If a setting, do you remember it? If not, hopefully an update will fix it.
I'm sure there's other things I've noticed but those are the main annoyances compared to the previous version (8).
FYI the new Office 2016 has the option now to use colors (2013 and 2010 didn't). Windows 10 now allows window colors (Win 8 and early 10 didn't). I think software vendors are getting the idea that "shades of gray" doesn't work for a lot of people, even though it's the cool thing to do.
I have to agree with all of your other points as well Brad p. The copy/paste with 3x normal line amount i noticed as well and it's quite irritating. Changing the view to Plain text mode and then copying a selection removes the extra lines, it's a small workaround to be used until that is fixed.
Maybe, this is a simple step to achieve calendar layout improvement: Make vertical and horizontal lines between the panels more wide and more dark.
Anybody find a setting to change the red "urgent" envelop -- from pink to red?