Sometimes NAA is integrated with other IDP. In these cases, a user may be sent to NAA just to enroll a specific method, for instance the user could be redirected to: https://NAAENPOINT/account/authenticators/add/SMARTPHONE:1

In that case, it would be useful being able to bring back the user session to a given URL, passed via a query parameter like https://NAAENPOINT/account/authenticators/add/SMARTPHONE:1?returnURL="https://yourthirdpartyendpoint"

Optionally the caller could specify also a returnUnregisteredURL to handle an aborted registration

When it should be redirected to returnURL: When the user completes the registration (Save Button action completes succesfully)
What should be added on UI: When a returnUnregisteredURL is sent to NAA, a button to abort the enrollment should be available and if clicked the user session should go back to the returnUnregisteredURL
