AA Admin console’s GUI to perform a full AA data backup should, in addition to the already upcoming AA feature to make the backup a schedulable item in the GUI, also should include options to upload the backup via SCP or SFTP to a remote target. Options should include ability to specify remote hostname, username, password OR SSH key (that can be uploaded within UI), and a remote path. Also, there should be an option to email an administrator, should either the backup or the SCP/SFTP copy task not complete successfully; otherwise an appliance could fail to ever achieve the desired level of safety these backups are meant to provide, and the poor admin having had no prior visibility, realizes only too late that the only backups existed on the same box (itself) that just died. Admin should also have ability to not only kick off a backup on-demand like we can today, but also kick off the SCP/SFTP task on-demand as well.
by: brian r. | over a year ago | Configuration