Should be able to define multiple CSS/branding customizations on the same AA webserver, auto-enforced by the AA webserver based on the incoming HTTP Request “Host” header. This should be done for both OSP (SAML/OAuth) and Authenticators Management portal. These two aspects of AA are often visited by two distinct and very different user communities that almost never should have the same branding experience: employees vs customers. The only way to sort of achieve this result today is the very heavy-handed approach of installing additional pair AA Webservers (always must have high availability) for the sole purpose of serving up different branding (which is uploaded per AA webserver). Ouch, that’s a huge debt of resources and labor resource to keep maintained for that branding purpose alone, and DOES NOT scale well. Starting with AA 6.0, the number of DB connections between AA Seciondary DB and AA Webservers to the AA DB Master has grown signficiantly, making it harder than 5.x days to scale AA); regardless, this is a bad way to deliver alternate branding, and it should be relatively simple in AA to create a table of uploaded branding that says “Use CSS/branding bundle “Customer” if the incoming HTTP Request HOST header ==, or use CSS/branding bundle “Employee” if the incoming HTTP Request HOST header ==, and the ability to declare one of them as the “Default” CSS/Branding Bundle if the HTTP Request HOST header doesn’t match.
