It happens that clients need to migrate directory services. Even because of technology changes, mergers or acquisitions. In such cases they need to manually rewrite configuration i.e. at least reassign chains to groups even if they have the same names but come from different repos. It might be a nightmare for them.
I suggest then to extend the set of APIs to allow read and write chain assignments. Perhaps APIs should cover some other aspects of configuration but this is a minimum.
by: Dariusz L. | over a year ago | Installation/Deployment
It's not only about configuration. It's also, if not first of all, about enrollment data!
Any tool that allows for the migration of enrolled data is VERY dangerous from a security perspective. Yes - we can apply encryption and other measures but it is still tricky.
In v6.x the APIs support migration of user enrollments.
Please list any other specific items that should be included in the APIs that would make migration easier than 'export/import and change group assignments'. We will consider then on individual merit.