It would be great, if we could allow internal AD members Kerberos integrated authentication.
by: Werner H. | over a year ago | Integrations
by: Werner H. | over a year ago | Integrations
It would be great, if we could allow internal AD members Kerberos integrated authentication.
by: Werner H. | over a year ago | Integrations
Authentication to what? Please be specific.
We havea Confluence server internally.
AAF is configured as IDP for Confluence. If we could have Kerberos Authentication on AAF for SAML then users have internally SSO and externally MFA (without NAM).
Actually we setup NAM as IDP, NAM is Kerberos integrated for internal SSO and externally we have NAM&AAF for MFA.
From a user perspective this would be a great improvment, by reducing the amount of annoyance caused by entering passwords multple times. This should be quite simple to implement because the only thing needed is to kerberize AAF-Web-Login-Interface. A webinterface for configuring this and a documentation would be enough. The rest is built-in linux functionality.