Requested by: several customers
Currently 1:n matching is supported for the card and PKI methods.
Our customers also want this for fingerprint authentication as well.
by: Hauke B. | over a year ago | Configuration
by: Hauke B. | over a year ago | Configuration
Requested by: several customers
Currently 1:n matching is supported for the card and PKI methods.
Our customers also want this for fingerprint authentication as well.
by: Hauke B. | over a year ago | Configuration
Hey everyone, we have a potential customer requesting this. It's an 1800 employee company working in biotech/medical tech.
And we have another 500 user company with interest in this.
And we're a 20000+ user company (existing customer) that wants this :)
We are working on a solution for this. I will update the suggestion when we have it firmly scheduled.
is there any update on this?
Whenn will this a part of AAF?
is there any update on this?
Whenn will this a part of AAF?